New Release: LIVEvisor on your hard drive

Fresh from Witsbits:   LIVEvisor now installs on your Hard Drive With the latest release of Witsbits the LIVEvisor actually installs on your hard drive when you choose which local drive to store your VMs on. The benefit is that you can reboot your host servers remotely without ever re-inserting the LIVEvisor boot CD/USB-key. So, […]

New Host Management Features

Fresh from Witsbits: In this post I’ll focus on the new host operation and host management features we’ve released over the last month. Hope you like it! 1.  Custom Host Scripts – Write scripts to tune your hosts Let’s say you have a hardware RAID controller and want to install it’s accompanying monitoring and alerts […]

Getting a Leg Up in the Managed Services Market

Fresh from Witsbits: One type of company we’ve been working with a lot recently is providers of managed IT services (often called Managed Service Providers or MSPs), which typically support “working IT” for their clients.  As I’ve been working across the industry to help MSPs get more efficient with virtualization, I’ve recognized some common challenges […]

New Release: Install Any Operating System

Fresh from Witsbits: This release is particularly cool! You may now install any guest operating system, where ever the server is located. Just select a guest operating system from the list of installation ISO images, or if your favorite or custom operating system is not available, then you can just add it to your custom list of images. We’ve also […]

New Release: Import Virtual Machines

Fresh from Witsbits: New stuff – You can now (or actually since November 1) extend our library of pre-configured VMs with your own custom VMs or templates. Just add your VMs to Witsbits and you can quickly launch them on any server, in any location, when ever you want to. The following virtual machine containers are currently […]

Building a cloud computing pioneer

Fresh from Witsbits: This post was originally posted at Compare The Cloud Lately I’ve been getting lots of questions about being one of the original cloud computing pioneers and the story of Witsbits, so I thought I’d get it down here. My co-founders and I created Witsbits in 2006, and after experimenting with a few different cloud […]

New LIVEvisor – smaller, better, faster

Fresh from Witsbits: Today we’re very happy to annonce a major release of LIVEvisor. The fastest way to virtualize your servers has gotten even better. The new LIVEvisor is: Smaller – Reduced memory footprint Better – Support for broader range of hardware Faster – Increased performance LIVE visor is a bare-metal hypervisor on a CD […]

New release: VM Failover

Fresh from Witsbits: The new Witsbits release enables failover by allowing users to switchover virtual machines from a failed host server to an operational host server. If one of your host server fails then log in to the web based management console, select a VM on a failed host, click the Failover button and select an operational server to […]

New release: Delegate Management Access

Fresh from Witsbits: With the new release of Witsbits you can now assign individual users access to manage particular servers. This is very useful if you wish to delegate privileges to particular employees or customers (so they can manage their servers themselves) but don’t want them to have access to your whole infrastructure. There is […]

New release: VM Migration

Fresh from Witsbits: We are happy to announce a new release of Witsbits. The next time you log in, you’ll be able to migrate virtual machines between different host servers. Just click Migrate on the virtual machine you want to migrate and then select the destination host and you’re done. It’s also worth mentioning that we have […]

Build Hybrid Clouds with Witsbits

Fresh from the Witsbits blog: Yesterday we snuck out a new major release* of Witsbits! We are very exited about it, please check it out and send us your comments about it! A major upgrade is the Hosted Private Cloud feature. You can now rent servers from your favorite service provider directly from within the […]

Arctic Startup about Witsbits

Arctic startup’s Paula Marttila article about Witsbits not too long ago: “Witsbits, a Swedish startup company, is the first and so far only actor in the Nordic and Scandinavian region providing cloud computing services. They started already in 2004, in the era when cloud computing still was called utility computing. The journey into cloud computing began in 2003 when […]

Witsbits to go-to the USA with BootstrapLabs

23rd of June 2009 San Francisco and Göteborg. For immediate release, Witsbits has entered into an agreement with San Francisco based BootstrapLabs to establish US presence. Setting up US presence is the first step of an extensive agreement between Witsbits and BootstrapLabs. BootstrapLabs is additionally to provide Witsbits with advisory and strategic planning, secure an […]