The Unicorn Factory: De/Coding and Leveraging Silicon Valley – Event with BootstrapLabs in Stockholm, Sweden

Nicolai Wadstrom, Founder and CEO of BootstrapLabs and Magnus Bergman, Venture Investment Partner at BootstrapLabs will share with Swedish entrepreneurs, local angels and the SUP46 community their journey and best tips on how to become the next unicorn! Attendees will also receive valuable insights and learn how companies like Prezi scale from a small office […]

Prezi raises $57M growth equity round, BootstrapLabs portfolio follow-on funding pass $90M

Our portfolio company Prezi, that has been eating away at Microsoft’s Powerpoint and Apple’s Keynote market shares for the last few years, is poised to become a far more mainstream product than some might have previously thought. It’s making two major announcements today. The company announced this week on stage at Slush in Helsinki — that it has […]

Prezi invests $100M in the White House ConnectED initiative!

We just got the news from Peter Arvai (CEO and Co-founder of Prezi), as he gets ready to meet with President Obama this Friday the 28th. Peter will also show President Obama what makes Prezi the best way to share ideas and knowledge and share the story of how Prezi grew from 3 founders with big […]

Prezi hits 30M+ users, doubling annually, and has ‘not used a dime’ of investors’ money

Our portfolio company Prezi is Zooming ideas from Budapest to the World! Since 2009, Prezi has gone from 3 founders and a few early team members in Budapest to a US company scaling to the world from San Francisco Bay area/Silicon Valley. Today there are 36,000,000 people zooming through to visualize their ideas, and they […]

Rediscovering my Inner Geek

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Pierre Ingmansson is working as a developer at PreziI used to live in Gothenburg, Sweden. I spent my days working as a software consultant, writing code and tests for customers on big projects spanning several years. The work I did was sometimes challenging and interesting, but mostly I just wrote […]

Prezi Power Week part 2. – The Charity Renovation

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Every year as a Christmas tradition, we finish the winter Prezi Power Week with a special charity renovation. Since 2008, we have tried to make as many people’s winters better as we can. We also aim to give them a fresher, warmer start to the new year. Of course it’s […]

Launching 2013 with the Prezi Power Week

Fresh from the Prezi blog: At Prezi we like clean design, the calming white of a sheet of paper, the freedom of an infinite canvas. We also like listening, getting feedback, and exploring the stories of Prezi users or our own team members. How do these two – the clean canvas and having our pocket […]

Bidding Farewell to the Zebra

Fresh from the Prezi blog: “. . . slicker, cleaner, and easier to use . . .”As with any company, identity is all important at Prezi. However as something grows, its identity changes. Prezi has been changing ever since it started. Since 2010, we have increased dramatically in size, opened an office on the other […]

The 10 best prezis of 2012

Fresh from the Prezi blog: When you open a new canvas in Prezi, the vast, empty space holds a lot of opportunities and perhaps a couple of failures. This is why it is important to have a reference point that guides you in developing the structure, content, and visuals for your prezi. Afterall, that’s what […]

Introducing Prezi U – a community hub for everything Prezi in education

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Based on many discussions with our edu users we’ve been working to create a community site where teachers and students can talk, share and learn how to use Prezi in education, from the smallest grade school classroom to the biggest Harvard and Stanford auditoriums. We are now pleased to introduce […]

Prezi zooming where no one has zoomed before – with $14M from Accel Partners

During the past 3 years (our portfolio company) Prezi have reshaped how we share ideas. Sharing of ideas just to be a sequence of squares. Prezi have been challenging this 350-year-old format, not because it’s old, but because it’s how people enjoy exploring spaces, rather than slides. We hear presenters and audiences describe how they are taken […]

Prezi Night Tokyo II

Fresh from the Prezi blog: The second annual Prezi Night in Tokyo took place on Saturday, Dec 3, hosted by an awesome Japanese Prezi user community. The fun event was a chance for Japanese users to meet each other and share experiences using Prezi. There were even Prezi quizzies and Prezi Karaoke. Check out more photos […]

Prezi Hackathon II: 2 days, 37 hackers

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Last weekend, 37 hackers, including Prezi employees and students from around the world, spent two days in the Prezi office to create fun, and (sometimes) useful projects using Prezi. After two days, teams presented their incredible projects: Prezi Kinect Hack: Control your prezi using body gestures Prezi Wars: Use Prezi […]

How to succeed in Silicon Valley @ Innovate Sweden event at Stanford

A short presentation on some key things about connecting to the Silicon Valley eco-system, presented this Wednesday, BootstrapLabs founder and CEO, Nicolai Wadstrom presented at the Innovative Sweden event.

They made it with Prezi on iPad!

Fresh from the Prezi blog: We reached out to top Prezi Viewer users, to ask how the Prezi iPad app helps their work. Middle school teachers Ben Robinson and Mark Davis, and PR communications expert Gonzalo Adriasola agreed: Using Prezi Viewer completely changes their work routines, and opens up new horizons in their careers. Upon […]