BootstrapLabs at Innovation Skåne – Advice for Swedish entrepreneurs

Lund, Sweden | Wednesday 21 October 2015 In a room full of entrepreneurs, BootstrapLabs founder Nicolai Wadström shared his thoughts on Silicon Valley unicorns, and the speculation of tech bubbles and overvalued startups. He reminded his audience to focus on value, and the fundamentals of the companies being touted as Unicorns.

The Unicorn Factory: De/Coding and Leveraging Silicon Valley – Event with BootstrapLabs in Stockholm, Sweden

Nicolai Wadstrom, Founder and CEO of BootstrapLabs and Magnus Bergman, Venture Investment Partner at BootstrapLabs will share with Swedish entrepreneurs, local angels and the SUP46 community their journey and best tips on how to become the next unicorn! Attendees will also receive valuable insights and learn how companies like Prezi scale from a small office […]

Google Root Access: How to choose technology to maximize funding, with investor Bootstraplabs

Google interview BootstrapLabs founder on how you apply technology impacts investment criteria and building startups.