The Future of Work – What Is It, Really?

Post COVID-19 World: The Bullish Case for (early stage) VCs & Founders [Part 3]

RETURN TO PART 2 HERE Applied AI Investment Thesis The case for rapid adoption of Applied Artificial Intelligence across every sector remains valid, and if anything, the roadmap for adoption is being shortened considerably. AI is part of the solution to fight COVID-19 Every day, we read about ways AI is helping fight COVID-19: World’s […]

Post COVID-19 World: The Bullish Case for (early stage) VCs & Founders [Part 2]

RETURN TO PART 1 HERE Exits: IPOs and M&A Landscape Initial Public Offerings – IPOs According to the Renaissance Capital research note of March 27, 2020, “The 2020 IPO market began with optimism and ended with the worst crash since the global financial crisis. 24 IPOs raised $6.8 billion, with as many as 20 companies […]

Post COVID-19 World: The Bullish Case for (early stage) VCs & Founders [Part 1]

Early-stage venture capitalists are in the business of hitting targets most people cannot see. Our focal point is usually set 3 to 5 years into the future. We often discover a future that is already available today but is not yet evenly distributed. This is why founders, like early-stage VCs, need to be visionaries and […]

Collection of COVID-19 resources for founders / entrepreneurs

BootstrapLabs has been in touch with our portfolio company CEOs on a nearly daily basis and are fully committed to supporting them in every way possible. Here is a collection of advice and resources we are sharing with them, and other founders and entrepreneurs. We will continue to update this blog post as we find […]

Geopolitical Implications of Coronavirus: Preliminary Insights

BootstrapLabs Special Advisor and Founder & CEO of FutureGrasp, Tom Campbell, Ph.D. and his team have published an article titled “Geopolitical Implications of Coronavirus: Preliminary Insights” that we thought was important to share with our community. Executive Summary Coronavirus will have major global impacts throughout 2020, scrambling geopolitical calculations and trajectories in multiple and unanticipated […]

BootstrapLabs at The World’s Largest Entrepreneurship Conference

EVENT:  TiEcon 2019,  May 10th and 11th,  Santa Clara Convention Center Nicolai Wadstrom, Founder and CEO of BootstrapLabs, will be interviewed live on stage at TiEcon 2019. Nicolai will share his story and explain how BootstrapLabs has become a leading Venture Capital firm in Applied Artificial Intelligence. TiEcon is the largest technology anchored conference dedicated to fostering […]

What most people don’t know about being a startup CEO/founder

Techblogs tend to paint a glamorous picture of how easy it is to raise a billion dollars in funding and build a startup. Reality is very different – it is hard work, a long journey and compared to a job, you are never really off the job. As a startup founder for 20+ years and counting, […]

Venture Capital Industry: At the Dawn of a New Era

2015 has been a banner year for BootstrapLabs. During the past 12 months, we led our first Series A round in an exciting FinTech company, all our portfolio companies raised follow-on funding at higher valuation and we continued to expand our Expert in Residence team to support our portfolio companies. We believe that technology is […]

Venture Capital Disrupts Itself: Breaking the Concentration Curse

Please note this is a short version of the Venture Capital Disrupts Itself: Breaking the Concentration Curse report published by the Cambridge Associates. At the end of this blog post you can find the link to access to the original file.   Venture Capital Disrupts Itself: Breaking the Concentration Curse The Old Wives Tale … […]