Sequencing is “make or break” for building a startup

One of the most important things when building a startup is the sequence of how you execute. It is even more important than “doing the right things”. You need to be laser focused and meticulous on the execution at hand, while driving towards your big vision of your company, and evaluating the plan regularly. By NOT […]

Are You Ready To Build Your Start-Up Brand Early?

Today’s guest post is from Martin Roll. I am often asked when entrepreneurs, start-ups and younger companies should start to build their brands. The implicit impression by those asking is that branding and brands are for later, not in the early stages. I could not disagree more. The earlier you start it, the better chances […]

5 skills founders better verify before deciding to add a core team member

Today’s guest post is from Tommaso Di Bartolo. Startup is an amazing crazy ride. Unlike corporate business, every moment in startup makes you remember you live because of the thrilling paths and the amount of emotions you experience. The most compelling phase in a startup is the period of time before the product finds its […]