Applied AI Digest 76

The Future Of Sales Is In Artificial Intelligence, According To This CEO “Automation” is the golden word in business. The more you can automate, the faster you can move, the bigger you can grow, the more efficiently you can run, and the more effectively you can communicate. Read more. How Baidu will win China`s AI […]

Applied AI Digest 75

Applied AI Conference 2017 Insights   5 things everyone gets wrong about artificial intelligence and what it means for our future In June, Alibaba founder Jack Ma said AI is not only a massive threat to jobs but could also spark World War III. Because of AI, he told CNBC, in 30 years we’ll work […]

Applied AI Digest 74

Apple is now publishing a ‘journal’ with its cutting-edge machine learning research Apple launched a new blog on Wednesday where it plans to publish academic-style papers looking at new applications and techniques in machine learning. Read more. The Business of Artificial Intelligence For more than 250 years the fundamental drivers of economic growth have been […]

Applied AI Digest 73

Ask the AI experts: What advice would you give to executives about AI? As executives consider where artificial intelligence can unlock business value, they’ll need to cut through the hype and find talent with both technical and business acumen. Read more. Robo Advisers Are Gaining Traction as Insurance Salesmen: Chart While traditional intermediaries still dominate […]

Applied AI Digest 72

Why artificial intelligence is different from previous technology waves I’ve been around computing since my older brother got a Commodore 64 for Christmas in 1983. I took my first “business machines” class in high school in 1991 … Read more. From not working to neural networking How has artificial intelligence, associated with hubris and disappointment […]

Applied AI Digest 71

The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence Too often the answer to this question resembles the plot of a sci-fi thriller. People worry that developments in A.I. will bring about the “singularity” — that point in history when A.I. … read more. What We Need—and Don’t Need—From Government in the Robot Age Capitalism has brought opportunity […]

Applied AI Digest 70

Where Artificial Intelligence Will Pay Off Most in Health Care Of all the places where artificial intelligence is gaining a foothold, nowhere is the impact likely to be as great—at least in the near term—as in healthcare. Read more. 53% of Marketers Plan To Adopt Artificial Intelligence In Two Years These and many other insights […]

Applied AI Digest 69

AI in Banking – An Analysis of America’s 7 Top Banks While tech giants tend to hog the limelight on the cutting-edge of technology, AI in banking and other financial sectors is showing signs of interest and adoption – even among the stodgy banking incumbents. Read more. The Limits of Artificial Intelligence Talking about artificial […]

Applied AI Digest 68

How NATO wants to use artificial intelligence in decision making The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) believes in incorporating artificial intelligence in its decision-making process, a senior official told CNBC. Read more. Elon Musk (and 350 Experts) Predict Exactly When Artificial Intelligence Will Overtake Human Intelligence Given the speed at which researchers are advancing artificial […]

Applied AI Digest 67

An AI Robot Learned How to Pick up Objects After Training Only in the Virtual World Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, used a data set of information on more than a thousand objects to successfully train a deep learning system to pick up unfamiliar objects in the “real world.” Read more. AI and […]

Applied AI Digest 66

  Nvidia exec explains how artificial intelligence will change your life That’s a big boon for Nvidia, Yahoo Finance’s Company of the Year in 2016. The Santa Clara, Calif.-based business, which has seen its stock price triple over the last 12 months, makes the data-crunching parts … read more. Google’s New Lens Feature Turns Your […]

Applied AI Digest 65

AI is Eating Software … and Getting Smarter by the Second How does a chicken with an AI brain cross the road? At a packed conference in San Francisco, a wizard named Danny Lange wowed investors and techies with visual proof of the fast advancing potency of artificial intelligence. Read more.   The Lack of […]

Applied AI Digest 64

The latest Data, Insights, and Inspiration about Applied AI Feel free to forward this email or share it with your network.   Automation Jobs Will Put 10,000 Humans to Work, Study Says It’s going to take a lot of humans to create the kind of artificial intelligence that could replace truckers, financial analysts, and customer […]

Announcing the Applied AI Conference 2017

BootstrapLabs is pleased to announce the return of the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference in San Francisco on May 11, 2017. After the incredible success of last year’s Applied AI Conference, we have expanded into a new venue and this year’s conference will be 2x bigger. There are only a few tickets left – don’t miss out […]

Applied AI Digest 63

  The latest Data, Insights, and Inspiration about Applied AI   The latest Data, Insights, and Inspiration about Applied AI Feel free to forward this email or share it with your network.     Join the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference 2017 BootstrapLabs is excited to share with you the agenda of the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference […]