Post COVID-19 World: The Bullish Case for (early stage) VCs & Founders [Part 1]

Early-stage venture capitalists are in the business of hitting targets most people cannot see. Our focal point is usually set 3 to 5 years into the future. We often discover a future that is already available today but is not yet evenly distributed. This is why founders, like early-stage VCs, need to be visionaries and […]

Collection of COVID-19 resources for founders / entrepreneurs

BootstrapLabs has been in touch with our portfolio company CEOs on a nearly daily basis and are fully committed to supporting them in every way possible. Here is a collection of advice and resources we are sharing with them, and other founders and entrepreneurs. We will continue to update this blog post as we find […]

BootstrapLabs portfolio company, Mendel, is codifying COVID-19

Mendel, a BootstrapLabs portfolio company, has announced that they have assembled a task force to address COVID-19 using applied artificial intelligence. Please see this announcement from Mendel Founder & CEO Karim Galil: Hello, World! Mendel has ramped up it’s working force and assembled a 50+ special task force of AI scientists, physicians, and clinical experts […]

Sibly Offers Complimentary Services for the COVID-19 crisis

In these unprecedented times of “Social Distancing” and “Isolation”, you, your family, and your coworkers, may feel under an increased amount of stress and confusion, or simply a bit overwhelmed. One of BootstrapLabs’ portfolio companies, Sibly, has announced a great initiative to immediately assist others. Sibly will provide any US-based organization, their employees, and their […]

Geopolitical Implications of Coronavirus: Preliminary Insights

BootstrapLabs Special Advisor and Founder & CEO of FutureGrasp, Tom Campbell, Ph.D. and his team have published an article titled “Geopolitical Implications of Coronavirus: Preliminary Insights” that we thought was important to share with our community. Executive Summary Coronavirus will have major global impacts throughout 2020, scrambling geopolitical calculations and trajectories in multiple and unanticipated […]

Panel and Private LP Reception at SuperReturn International 2020

BootstrapLabs is pleased to announce that Nicolai Wadstrom will be speaking at SuperReturn International on February 25 at 9:25 am at the InterContinental Hotel in Berlin. Bringing private equity into the digital age: How far have we really come? To what extent are PE firms utilizing technology to optimize efficiency and disrupt traditional value chains?  […]

Announcing BootstrapLabs Applied AI Insiders Series: Applied AI and Intelligent Communities – Webcast

Applied AI and Intelligent Communities Today, startups are able to use AI to more efficiently and successfully engage, manage, and empower communities to deliver next-generation services and create new business models. From virtual hospitals managing thousands of lives in real time, to community-centric networks powering the internet of things at the edge, or more sustainable […]

BootstrapLabs at Davos 2020

Nicolai Wadstrom, Founder and CEO of BootstrapLabs, will be speaking on stage at the TechPark Davos Conference 2020, Global AI Thought Leaders Stream – Hyperconnected Humanity a side event in Davos, Switzerland during the World Economic Forum.  With the perspective as Founder and CEO of the leading Venture Capital firm in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Nicolai […]

BootstrapLabs at World Bank – Digital Mashreq Forum

Luigi Congedo, Principal, at BootstrapLabs, will be speaking during the Digital Mashreq Forum, hosted under the patronage of HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship in Jordan, and the World Bank Group. Luigi will share his story and explain how BootstrapLabs has become a leading Venture Capital firm […]

BootstrapLabs To Speak at The SuperReturn US East Private Equity Venture Capital Conference

BootstrapLabs Co-Founder, Benjamin Levy, will be speaking at the SuperReturn US East Private Equity Venture Capital Conference in Boston, on June 11th, 2019. The conference will bring together over 450 of the leading players in Private Equity and Venture Capital from the West Coast, for an unparalleled opportunity to meet, learn, and create new business ventures. Ben, along […]

BootstrapLabs at The World’s Largest Entrepreneurship Conference

EVENT:  TiEcon 2019,  May 10th and 11th,  Santa Clara Convention Center Nicolai Wadstrom, Founder and CEO of BootstrapLabs, will be interviewed live on stage at TiEcon 2019. Nicolai will share his story and explain how BootstrapLabs has become a leading Venture Capital firm in Applied Artificial Intelligence. TiEcon is the largest technology anchored conference dedicated to fostering […]

AI, Geopolitics, and National Security:

Your Information and Your Nation Hacking is on the world stage again this week after Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, was arrested in London and accused by U.S. authorities of conspiring with former Army intelligence officer Chelsea Manning leading to what is described as “one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history […]

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles:

  The Necessity of Real-Time Processing in Autonomous Vehicles When thinking about autonomous vehicles, it’s easy to focus on driverless cars, how your commute to work will change, how your drives with the family will be filled with board games instead of “are we there yet?” The technology has been parodied in the HBO show […]

Human Capital in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Will Your Job be Taken Over by Robots? In 1589, a British inventor introduced his invention, the Knitting Machine, to the Queen of England expecting to be granted a patent. Instead, she replied, “Consider thou what the invention could do to my poor subjects. It would assuredly bring to them ruin by depriving them of […]

BootstrapLabs AAI18 Keynote and Fireside Chat – SoftBank Robotics AI Vision 2020

Don’t miss this year’s Applied AI Conference 2019 on April 18th in San Francisco Join thought leaders leveraging AI applications to build the future of enterprise, corporations, governments, and society as we know it. For a limited time, get 50% off on registration using promo code AAI1950Percent     In the meantime, please enjoy some […]