Announcing the BootstrapLabs Applied AI Insiders Series: Autonomous Transportation

BootstrapLabs is thrilled to announce the BootstrapLabs Applied AI Insiders Series: Autonomous Transportation Event Summary: Date and Time: Tue, October 3, 2017 | 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Location: Google Launchpad Space, 301 Howard Street, San Francisco, California 94105 Registration: this event is INVITE ONLY. If you did not receive an invitation you can request one below. […]

Applied AI Digest 81

The iPhone X’s New Neural Engine Exemplifies Apple’s Approach to AI Apple’s new iPhone X is billed as “the future of the smartphone,” with new facial recognition and augmented reality features presented as the credentials to back up this claim. Read More. China, Russia and the US Are in An Artificial Intelligence Arms Race For […]

BootstrapLabs Speaks at GSMA Mobile World Congress Americas

San Francisco, CA, September 13, 2017 – BootstrapLabs co-founder Ben Levy participated in the GSMA Mobile World Congress Americas in San Francisco this past September, speaking on the Adventures in Applied AI: Practical Use Cases Panel, as well judging AI and IoT startup ideas in the 4YFN Americas Awards pitch competition. Ben shared his expertise […]

Applied AI Digest 80

Do We Need a Speedometer For Artificial Intelligence? Microsoft said last week that it had achieved a new record for the accuracy of software that transcribes speech. Read more. Artificial Intelligence for UX – Where Bots May Beat Out Brands Although artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for decades, the more-recent advances in ubiquitous computing, […]

Applied AI Digest 79

NASA is using Intel’s deep learning to build better moon maps NASA’s Frontier Development Lab collects a lot of data. It’s one of the main things it does when it’s not landing things on other things. Read more. Artificial Intelligence in Sports – Current and Future Applications The North American sports industry is a cultural […]

Applied AI Digest 78

How A.I. Is Creating Building Blocks to Reshape Music and Art In the mid-1990s, Douglas Eck worked as a database programmer in Albuquerque while moonlighting as a musician. Read more. Hackers Are the Real Obstacle for Self-Driving Vehicles Before autonomous trucks and taxis hit the road, manufacturers will need to solve problems far more complex […]

Applied AI Digest 77

Breaking down artificial intelligence to form a starting point for adoption Artificial intelligence will humanize recommendation engines, improve the accuracy of logistics engines, and represent a monumental change in the friendliness of chatbot engines. Read more. Want a Diagnosis Tomorrow, Not Next Year? Turn to AI Inside a red-bricked building on the north side of […]

Applied AI Digest 76

The Future Of Sales Is In Artificial Intelligence, According To This CEO “Automation” is the golden word in business. The more you can automate, the faster you can move, the bigger you can grow, the more efficiently you can run, and the more effectively you can communicate. Read more. How Baidu will win China`s AI […]

Applied AI Digest 75

Applied AI Conference 2017 Insights   5 things everyone gets wrong about artificial intelligence and what it means for our future In June, Alibaba founder Jack Ma said AI is not only a massive threat to jobs but could also spark World War III. Because of AI, he told CNBC, in 30 years we’ll work […]

Applied AI Digest 74

Apple is now publishing a ‘journal’ with its cutting-edge machine learning research Apple launched a new blog on Wednesday where it plans to publish academic-style papers looking at new applications and techniques in machine learning. Read more. The Business of Artificial Intelligence For more than 250 years the fundamental drivers of economic growth have been […]

Applied AI Digest 73

Ask the AI experts: What advice would you give to executives about AI? As executives consider where artificial intelligence can unlock business value, they’ll need to cut through the hype and find talent with both technical and business acumen. Read more. Robo Advisers Are Gaining Traction as Insurance Salesmen: Chart While traditional intermediaries still dominate […]

Applied AI Digest 72

Why artificial intelligence is different from previous technology waves I’ve been around computing since my older brother got a Commodore 64 for Christmas in 1983. I took my first “business machines” class in high school in 1991 … Read more. From not working to neural networking How has artificial intelligence, associated with hubris and disappointment […]

Applied AI Digest 71

The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence Too often the answer to this question resembles the plot of a sci-fi thriller. People worry that developments in A.I. will bring about the “singularity” — that point in history when A.I. … read more. What We Need—and Don’t Need—From Government in the Robot Age Capitalism has brought opportunity […]

Applied AI Digest 70

Where Artificial Intelligence Will Pay Off Most in Health Care Of all the places where artificial intelligence is gaining a foothold, nowhere is the impact likely to be as great—at least in the near term—as in healthcare. Read more. 53% of Marketers Plan To Adopt Artificial Intelligence In Two Years These and many other insights […]

Applied AI Digest 69

AI in Banking – An Analysis of America’s 7 Top Banks While tech giants tend to hog the limelight on the cutting-edge of technology, AI in banking and other financial sectors is showing signs of interest and adoption – even among the stodgy banking incumbents. Read more. The Limits of Artificial Intelligence Talking about artificial […]