Entries by BootstrapLabs

Prezi Night Tokyo II

Fresh from the Prezi blog: The second annual Prezi Night in Tokyo took place on Saturday, Dec 3, hosted by an awesome Japanese Prezi user community. The fun event was a chance for Japanese users to meet each other and share experiences using Prezi. There were even Prezi quizzies and Prezi Karaoke. Check out more photos […]

Build Hybrid Clouds with Witsbits

Fresh from the Witsbits blog: Yesterday we snuck out a new major release* of Witsbits! We are very exited about it, please check it out and send us your comments about it! A major upgrade is the Hosted Private Cloud feature. You can now rent servers from your favorite service provider directly from within the […]

Prezi Hackathon II: 2 days, 37 hackers

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Last weekend, 37 hackers, including Prezi employees and students from around the world, spent two days in the Prezi office to create fun, and (sometimes) useful projects using Prezi. After two days, teams presented their incredible projects: Prezi Kinect Hack: Control your prezi using body gestures Prezi Wars: Use Prezi […]

They made it with Prezi on iPad!

Fresh from the Prezi blog: We reached out to top Prezi Viewer users, to ask how the Prezi iPad app helps their work. Middle school teachers Ben Robinson and Mark Davis, and PR communications expert Gonzalo Adriasola agreed: Using Prezi Viewer completely changes their work routines, and opens up new horizons in their careers. Upon […]

Prezi Zooms to 5 Million Users

Fresh from the Prezi blog: We are thrilled to announce that, today, Prezi crossed the 5 million user mark! Prezi Zooms to 5 Million Users on Prezi You continue to inspire us with your creativity, enthusiasm, and with the amazing prezis you create. Please continue to innovate and let us know if you have new ideas […]

BootstrapLabs now also in San Francisco!

Starting in May, BootstrapLabs now also has an office location in SOMA in San Francisco. CEO/Founder of BootstrapLabs, Nicolai Wadstrom will be working from this office from now on. At this location we also have space to host our European founders when they are in the San Francisco Bay Area. Redwood City through our Partnership […]

Asia is zooming!

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Having lived in Asia myself, it’s really nice to see that Prezi has started to grow in Korea and Japan. I felt really impressed with the energy and all the creative use of Prezi. Prezi for Dummies – the Korean translation of last year’s original US release – was brought […]

BootstrapLabs founder speaks at Stanford today

Stanford Engineering’s European Entrepreneurship and Innovation Thought Leaders (ME421) is a weekly speaker series that presents industry leaders from Europe’s hitech startup, venture finance, corporate and university research and technology commercialization communities to share their insights and experiences with aspiring and veteran entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley. From Ireland to Russia, and from Scandinavia to the […]

Customize colors, fonts, drag and drop files!

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Let’s celebrate this holiday season with some long awaited Prezi features! Color Wizard Finally you can customize Prezi themes! Available from the bubble menu, Color Wizard allows to customize Prezi theme colors, and select a font set of choice from the wizard’s font library. The wizard has a smart color […]

Say it with a Christmas Prezi

Fresh from the Prezi blog: Make a copy of this reusable prezi, customize and send it to your friends. No need for stamps! Regifting your Holiday present is not too nice. But reusing this Christmas Prezi is great! (and it’s carbon neutral too). Share the love! Read more…