Witsbits to go-to the USA with BootstrapLabs

23rd of June 2009 San Francisco and Göteborg. For immediate release, Witsbits has entered into an agreement with San Francisco based BootstrapLabs to establish US presence.

Setting up US presence is the first step of an extensive agreement between Witsbits and BootstrapLabs. BootstrapLabs is additionally to provide Witsbits with advisory and strategic planning, secure an initial round of funding from early-stage investors and to prepare for a US market entry and scale-up.

“Witsbits provides a very exciting opportunity for Hosting and DataCenter companies to quickly get on-board the Cloud Computing race. Witsbits has the right product in a market that is just opening up, and growing very quickly and I see great opportunities for Witsbits in the US and Silicon Valley, the majority of all web based services in the world is being hosted in the US, and thus the majority of the target customers for Witsbits are here in the USA.
– says Nicolai Wadstrom, CEO and founder of BootstrapLabs.

USA is the world’s biggest market for hosting web services and with a US presence, we are able to pursue that market. BootstrapLabs allows us to quickly set up presence in the Silicon Valley to capitalize on business opportunities and to be closer to future funding partners. With the momentum and reception we’ve received from our recent launch we believe we will quickly create an impact on the US market.”

– says Mikael Lirbank, CEO at Witsbits.

Witsbits (www.witsbits.com) is a cutting edge cloud computing software company. Witsbits offers a turn-key Cloud Computing platform called Go-Cloud, that includes everything from management, billing to monitoring and allows Hosting and Data center companies to quickly start to offer coud computing to their customers with the infrastructure they already own.

BootstrapLabs (www.draftbootstraplabs.wp.bootstraplabs.com) is a Silicon Valley Business Lab and out-post, founded and run by Swedish serial Entrepreneur Nicolai Wadstrom. BootstrapLabs allows European companies to quickly and efficiently get an entry to the US market and Silicon Valley in particular. BootstrapLabs can help early stage companies that are in a commercialization phase and ready to go-to market to establish themselves in Silicon Valley, scale up, find licensing and partnership opportunities as well as funding and exit partners.

For more information contact:
Mikael Lirbank, CEO, Witsbits, +46708309588, mikael@witsbits.com
Nicolai Wadstrom, CEO/Founder, BootstrapLabs, +1 (415) 935 1469, nicolai.wadstrom@draftbootstraplabs.wp.bootstraplabs.com